Top Ten Tips to Protect Pollinators
Monday, October 17
6 PM
BMA Board Room (West Side Staff Entrance)
Join the Friends of the Wyman Park Dell and The BMA in welcoming Devra He’ui Kitterman who will share tips on how you can help pollinators survive the coming winter.
Also on hand to present will be local attorney and Friend of the Wyman Park Dell, Alice Young, on the topic of Wills and other documents that protect your legacy and maximize your giving impact (a.k.a. minimize your taxes).
Light refreshments will be provided. Bring your own reusable bottles and drinks!
Space is limited – RSVP today:
Devra He’ui Kitterman is a Baltimore City beekeeper and served as the Pollinator Program coordinator for the Maryland Agricultural Resource Council (, a non-profit that emphasizes public education. She runs multiple classes and workshops for beekeepers and others. Devra rose to prominence in the Baltimore region through He’ui Horticultural Services, her business which provided commercial interior plant services and exterior landscape design and maintenance for 27 years.